Saturday, May 9, 2009


The post office was busy this morning with oyster guys picking up their packages from Maine. But that was just one sign of summer. The other one was the school of large stripers that were congregated around Two Rock channel midday. They were busy slurping down food and the laughing gulls were busy picking up the pieces. It was fantastic and so I tossed a line in and hooked a keeper which ended up feeding a dinner party back at home. It was 30 inches long, but there were others in the mix that exceeded this size. The school lasted about a half hour, then split up into smaller pods and changed with the weather. They were nonexistent within a few minutes and the SE wind moved S and the clouds came in. A quick search around the rest of the bay indicated nothing else but hungry birds.

The gut contents of this dinner fish consisted of a dozen or so sardines or anchovies, I am still checking up on the exact species. Also, a relatively large Asian shore crab, an invasive that is showing up more frequently here in the bay.

But enough of that. I grilled it over cowboy charcoal and it was served along with mango lime salsa (see Chris Schlessinger's "Thrill of the Grill"), black beans, rice, and Art's cole slaw. It was great.

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